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A Mini Match for Frontierless Sport


A Mini Match for Frontierless Sport

A Mini Match for Frontierless Sport
The second edition of the “Io ci sono” football match promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale was held to raise awareness amongst the new generations on the condition of refugees and asylum seekers. This year, a mini-match was held between the Vis Nova football team from the Santa Maria Sports Centre and the Esquilino Football Club.
The rules of football will be demonstrated by the young players (classes of 2000, 2001, 2002) who are ready to transform every match into a tool for dialogue against all forms of discrimination.    
The Esquilino Football Club Project, in fact, has been developed by the Manin-Di Donato School in the Esquilino area of Rome, one of the neighbourhoods with the highest percentage of foreign residents (38000 or nearly 30%).
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