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In the Middle of the Journey


In the Middle of the Journey

In the Middle of the Journey


At the end of the first year of digital literacy for grandparents in Como, Attilio Selva, coordinating teacher at the Tremezzina school, dedicated a poem to all the elders participating in the Grandparents on the Internet course.  The coordinator of the project in the Province of Come, Luca Piergiovanni, launched a rhyming challenge … on the Internet!
“The poem is beautiful. As a good Tuscan, however, if you launch a gauntlet, I’ll pick up the challenge … I don’t have a lot of time, but I will soon expand upon it!”  
Scusate se non so un poeta sopraffino
ma il mio cantar bernesco è fuor dall’ordinario,
ho sentito parlar di un poeta della tremezzina
ne voglio citar le lodi con questa picciol rima
Lui elogia i nonni digitali
che col computer han fatto progressi straordinari,
stai attento Attilio tuttavia
che a forza di chattare non prendano la strada della Romania!
The Poem by Attilio Selva


Grandparents on the Internet episodes on Chocolat 3B

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