Robotic nano-capsules that can travel through the human body, microrobots for endoscopic surgery, micro and nano manipulators that can handle cells, systems that cannot be oxidized, mechanisms for the control of nanosatellite assets, nano-pills for the timed release of drugs …
These are just a few of the applications that will be addressed by the “Nanorobotics: How It Will Revolutionise Our Lives” talk that will be curated by Nicola Pio Belfiore, Professor of Applied Mechanics at the “Roma Tre” University.
How are they designed? How are they developed? How do we control them? How can we make them independent, and even make their behaviour ethical? In this interview with Francesca Meini, Prof. Belfiore gives us a preview of some of the topics he will address in his workshop at RomeCup 2019 (April 2 – 5).
Ascolta "RomeCup 2019, talk di orientamento sulle nanotecnologie" su Spreaker.
RomeCup 2019
April 3, 2019 – 12:00
“Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering
Lecture Halls N6-N7
Talent Talk | University Orientation
Nanorobotics: How It Will Revolutionise Our Lives
Prof. Nicola Pio Belfiore