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Medioera in Viterbo


Medioera in Viterbo

Medioera in Viterbo


During the Medioera – Festival of Digital Culture (Viterbo, July 20-29, 2011), student tutors from the Liceo classico “M. Buratti” and Liceo scientifico “P. Ruffini” will act as knowledge volunteers for local citizens following the inter-generational learning model of Grandparents on the Internet, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be present at the press conference (July 18, 12 am) held at the Sala del Consiglio di Palazzo dei Priori (Viterbo town hall).
  • Giulio Marini, Mayor of Viterbo
  • Marcello Meroi, President of the Province of Viterbo
  • Enrico Maria Contardo, Cultural Councillor, City of Viterbo
  • Giuseppe Fraticelli, Cultural Councillor, Province of Viterbo
The knowledge volunteers will introduce elders to digital pills: brief laboratories to quickly demonstrate the practical, useful and daily opportunities provided by the Internet: from free video calls to digital photography. The aim is to extend the opportunities and services provided by simple web technology to everybody. The initiative is promoted by the Associazione Gioventù Protagonista in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Unieuro that will provide the Internet stations for the mini-lessons.

The Knowledge Volunteers Network is an initiative promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the European Year of Volunteering with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Youth. The objective is to fully exploit the valuable contribution provided by young tutors, school students of all ages, to promote digital literacy amongst the elderly and fight social exclusion and the social divide.

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