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Media Literacy Volunteers

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Media Literacy Volunteers

Media Literacy Volunteers

e-EngAGEd: training session for European youth.

Today, Thursday, June 27, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm, there will be a Zoom meeting dedicated to young volunteers participating in Project e-EngAGEd (Intergenerational Digital Engagement), financed by the European Commission. The event, organised by Belgian partner EAVI, provides an opportunity for European students together and share their experiences, strengthening a sense of community.

Project e-EngAGEd is implemented in Italy by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which has been promoting digital, functional, and media literacy amongst youth and elders for over 25 years with its intergenerational learning methodology in schools and elderly centres [see: Grandparents on the Internet]. The aim is to develop a conscientious use of ICT, contrast fake news, and recognise misleading information.

The June 27 meeting is an opportunity for young volunteers to:

  • Meet and exchange ideas and experiences
  • Share activities and projects
  • Develop a European network for media literacy
  • Meet experts from Project e-EngAGEd

The meeting also provides an opportunity for e-engaged volunteers  to create a European Media Literacy Network that can be used to share resources, ideas, and good practices, as well as organise events and awareness-raising campaigns.

Media literacy is a fundamental ability in today’s digital world. It allows individuals to critically evaluate the information that is found on-line, understand media, and use them responsibly. e-EngAGEd volunteers play a key role in promoting media literacy in their communities and contributing to a better future for everyone.


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