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Making Light


Making Light

Making Light



While the Call for Students, Makers and Craftsmen is still open (deadline: May 15), a team is already at work. Today, at 7:30 pm, a meeting will be held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab, where the exhibition showcases will be produced for the October exhibition a Sapienza University in Rome.
For the International Year of Light, Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, has organised an exhibition on light.
From a scientific point of view, the exhibition will emphasise the many phenomena in which light is involved: from geometric and wave optics to quantum mechanics and modern photonic technology (ranging from teleportation to quantum cryptography). The Physics of Light, however, will not be the only protagonist of the exhibition that will also address Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology, all disciplines in which light plays a fundamental role. Moreover, the exhibition will also include art works that employ light in a variety of different manners.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on Sept. 25, 2015 at 7 pm as part of the “Night of Researchers.” The exhibition will remain open for schools (upon request) until October 16. From that date, the exhibition will be free with the ticket to the Maker Faire (October 16-18, 2015) for which over 100,000 visitors are expected.
“As far as I know, this is the first and only exhibition that has been conceived and completely developed by non-professional makers. It’s a fundamental opportunity to show what these people know how to do,” explains Giovanni Organtini, Professor of Physics at Sapienza University in Rome.
Over the next days, we will present the makers involved in this adventure and understand how they are preparing for this extraordinary event.


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