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Local Interaction

Local Interaction


At the Liceo Fortunato Bruno in Corigliano Calabro, students study popular traditions; at the Antonio Monaco technical institute in Cosenza, students study Robotics and plan the future; while at the Leonardo Da Vinci in Lamezia Terme the focus is on work, ranging from advertising to fashion.
Six of the most active local schools participate in the Nonni SUD Internet digital literacy programme for the elderly promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale together with Anteas and Auser:
   LSS Da Vinci, Reggio Calabria
   ITC R. Piria, Reggio Calabria
   ITC L. Palma, Corigliano Calabro, Cosenza
   LSS F. Bruno, Corigliano Calabro, Cosenza
   ITI Monaco, Cosenza
   IIS L. Da Vinci, Lamezia Terme, Cosenza
The schools that are twinned with the Auser and Anteas local centres will act as operational centres to involve the elderly.
Ana Lain recorded the experience of various protagonists at the first training workshop:

Pietro Maradei, Headmaster, L.S.S. F. Bruno di Corigliano Calabro



Ennio Guzzo, Headmaster, ITI Monaco in Cosenza



Mario Imbrogno, Computer Teacher, ITI Monaco in Cosenza



Benito Rocca, President of the Anteas Centre in Cosenza



Francesco Canino, Headmaster, IIS Da Vinci, Lamezia Terme



Francesco Paone, Coordinating Teacher, Nonni SUD Internet



Silvana Sacco, President of the Anteas Centre in Cosenza



The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione per il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.

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