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On-line in Cerignola

On-line in Cerignola

On-line in Cerignola

The School of Internet for Everyone, the greatest on-line educational drive for individuals who wish to learn more about digital tools to improve everyday lives, continues to network. Thanks to the precious support of local coordinators, we are strengthening local communities. Today, we are in Cerignola, in the Province of Foggia, a town with over 55,000 residents. This is not an easy community to manage, especially on account of its extension (593.71 sq. km.), only exceeded by Rome and Ravenna.



The local project coordinator is Sergio Piergianni, who is in charge of design and management of development project. “I firmly believe that it is impossible to experience local development without fully developing human capital. Non-formal education and civil commitment are my professional mission. I have been working so that the new generations will be endowed with the tools necessary to become active, responsible and solidary citizens.”


And Sergio happily informs us of the praise received from Adriana Sabato, current Prefectural Commission of the Cerignola Council, who participated in one of the first courses held in the area.


"I found the course lively and interesting, besides useful to learn about new aspects related to the use of the Internet. The massive participation (by the citizens of Cerignola) shows how great these courses are. The use of IT tools has become a fundamental resource. However, especially those of us who are not “digital natives,” are also aware of the risks and issues that we often encounter. So, I would recommend this course even due to the lovely, patient teachers.”


Public and private organisations that wish to enrol their employees in courses should write to or contact their regional coordinators.


The project is promoted by TIM in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of programme Operation Digital Risorgimento.



Complete the on-line form. Select a day and time and access your free course.



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