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Learning about CS First

CS First al Piero Angela

Learning about CS First

Learning about CS First

The experience of a support teacher at IC Piero Angela.

We continue to report on Project Computer Science First that held various sessions during the final months of the school year. Today, we take you to the Rome Istituto comprensivo Piero Angela (ex Via Poppea Sabina), a school coordinated by Stefania Forte.

Miriam Fucini, a support teacher, used the CS First Platform to create didactic content for science, history, and civic education, addressing topics such as the water cycle, the origin of life, and bullying. The main aim is to help children learn, with a special focus on students with special educational needs.

Miriam underlines how the introduction of coding in primary school is not easy and requires a gradual approach. Unplugged activities such as pixel art can simplify the introduction to computational thought. Scratch and CS First can be used to their fullest extent starting in third grade, with a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, there are interconnections with first-degree secondary school that can culminate in activities such as robotics and advanced programming by eighth grade.

Miriam believes that the use of these platforms promotes and simplifies learning, improving didactic activities, and the coding work of teachers.

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