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Knowledge is Wealth!


Knowledge is Wealth!

Knowledge is Wealth!
The campaign to expand the “Network of Knowledge Volunteers” kicks off along with the 4th edition of the competition with the patronage of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The presentation will be held on Friday September 27th (10 am) at the Rome Campidoglio along with that of the 12th edition of “Grandparents on the Internet”, the new ISIS Project and the Awards Ceremony for the volunteers participating in “The Knowledge Volunteers” in Italy, Spain, Greece and the Czech Republic as part of the Grundtvig Programme for Active Ageing. Deputy Mayor of Rome Luigi Nieri will be present.
From young primary school students to elders aged ninety plus, there are over 36,000 knowledge volunteers of every age and nationality in the Knowledge Volunteers Network, a network that has developed thanks to the eleven editions of Grandparents on the Internet, a digital literacy project based on the intergenerational learning model that has already trained more than 20,000 over-sixties.“Grandparents on the Internet” has been custom-tailored to 16 different needs in Italy and throughout Europe. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has created an integrated tools platform (easy-to-read manuals and viral videos) to accelerate the development of an inclusive knowledge society.
The Knowledge Volunteers Network is a social motor that drives active citizenship, improves social cohesion, promotes employment and increases human and social capital.
The “Knowledge is Wealth, Share It!” Campaign will be presented at the Rome Campidoglio on Friday September 27 (10 am) with the projection of a short viral video clip to attract new volunteers from around the world.
The event will present a series of related initiatives: the Knowledge Volunteers Network, the
fourth edition of the Knowledge Volunteers Competition, the 12th edition of Grandparents on the Internet (a project that began in Roma and has since spread throughout Italy and Europe) and the new ISIS Project that has received the “Award for the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity amongst Generations (Italian Government Family Policy Department). Moreover, the event will also celebrate the success of the Knowledge Volunteers Project, which is financed by the European Commission, and present awards to volunteers from Italy, Spain, Greece and the Czech Republic.
The event will open with an address by Rome Deputy Mayor Luigi Nieri. Other speakers and participants include Erica Battaglia, President of the Social Policies Commission and Valeria Baglio, President of the Schools Commission. Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will present the Knowledge Volunteers Network. The event will also present report from volunteers and the awards ceremony with speeches from various European representatives.
Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will coordinate the event.


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