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Job Talk: Women For Security

Job Talk con Women For Security
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Job Talk: Women For Security

Job Talk: Women For Security

Working in cybersecurity: false myths; careers and opportunities

The cybersecurity sector presents increasingly interesting professional opportunities, with rapidly evolving growth prospects. In Italy, it is estimated that there is a shortage of over 100,000 professionals. Furthermore, protecting people from malicious attacks has become an urgency and a generalized concern. Today, there are approximately 73.1 million cyber attacks a day around the world, 17.1 million of which are based on malware aimed at companies, governments, and organizations.

As part of the Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity course organized with Microsoft Italia, the on October 20, (12:00-13:00), an appointment will be dedicated to the various professional figures in this sector, concerning not only IT knowledge professionals, but also profiles belonging sectors quite distant from the cyberworld. Just think about cybercrime, which involves professionals such as psychologists and lawyers, or figures such as Cyber-risk Managers.

The cyber ladies of the Women for Security community will present their professional stories to shed light on the opportunities existing for anyone who wishes to work for the security of the digital world.


  • Samanta Fumagalli, Brand Journalist, Digital PR, Press Office
  • Manuela Santini, Information & Cyber Security Advisor | Associate Partner
  • Caterina Nieddu, Data Protection Specialist
  • Btissam Laaouina, Anti-Fraud Solution Project Manager | Cyber Security
  • Silvia Lombardi, Innovation, ICT & Quality Director 

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