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Job Digital Lab in Viterbo

Job Digital Lab a Viterbo sulla flessibilità
Foto di RODNAE Productions da Pexels

Job Digital Lab in Viterbo

Job Digital Lab in Viterbo

The next event on flexible work will be held on Thursday, May 26

The end of the Covid-19 emergency is leading to a progressive return to “normality,” but what does this mean for the working world?

Ignoring what just happened over the past two years or starting anew to identify solutions that will recognise the needs and requests of workers? Flexibility and work-life balance are key words. Are we going to integrate them into company practice or archive them as emergency measures that provided what was needed at the time.

Working towards a better work-life balance, digital tools can make a difference and wed professional and personal needs. We will address these issues and how to reach an equilibrium between these two dimensions on May 26 (3-5 pm) at the on-line event organised by Job Digital Lab, the programme developed with ING Italia to spread and reinforce digital skills, organised in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Rieti Viterbo.

What do workers think about this? A recent survey conducted by LinkedIn reveals how the pandemic redefined and transformed the priorities of workers. In fact, 64% of interviewees in Italy believes that the pandemic has permanently modified the way in which we work; 55% affirm they want to dedicate more time to other aspects of their life and 61% has realized they wish to work in a more flexible manner.

Although interviewees share these priorities, there are issues and doubts:  22% of women and 17 of men are ashamed of working flexibly. Work-life balance between private and professional lives remains a major issue for 47% of women and 34% of men.

The objective of Job Digital Lab is to help individuals to develop and reinforce their digital skills so to be able to grasp the opportunities in this moment of transformation in work organisation.

During the event on May 26, coaches from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will address work-life balance in simple terms  and present  innovative tools for professional and personal wellbeing, as well as how to improve the management of work and personal appointments.

In addition to the theoretical part, we will also present practical cases and local success stories as a source and model of inspiration in developing one’s own professional objectives.

The event organised in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Rieti Viterbo is one of the appointments of the second edition of the programme which has organised over 60 sessions and over 90 hours of on-line training, reaching 5000 people in 2021. This year, the local tour includes even more ambitious objectives: uniting local and social networks to reach an even wider audience, especially amongst the most fragile categories that wish to get back in action, such as women who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, NEETs, over-50s and anyone who wishes to reinforce their digital skills for professional requalification.


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