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Job Digital a Lab in Vicenza

Job Digital a Lab in Vicenza

Job Digital a Lab in Vicenza

“Man is by nature a social animal.” Aristotle said this two thousand years ago and it is still as true as ever.


Now, with the advent of digital tools, the need to be part of a group in which individuals seek to express themselves also has an on-line dimension: from the first communities of the early Internet to today’s social networks.


So, how can we intercept these conversations and create further aggregation around issues of interest to companies, organisations and people? This will be the topic of the on-line event that will be held on May 30, 2022 (3-5 pm) by Job Digital Lab – the educational programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ING Italia to promote and reinforce  the acquisition of digital skills together with Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza.


A study conducted by Facebook and New York University in 2021 investigated the role that groups had in the lives of users by interviewing 50 admins of large Facebook Groups in 17 countries and 26 experts for the creation of on-line communities from around the world.


The most significant result was that most of the interviewees replied that it was easier to find a social niche of interest on-line than in the physical world (77%).


Moreover, the study revealed that the most active population in the creation of communities is Gen Z (individuals born between 1995 and 2010), which has a very varied digital diet, but a scant use of Facebook. It’s a new population “that wishes to make the difference and does not face away from issues.” Very soon, it will represent the majority of consumers. So, we must learn to understand their interests and produce ad hoc content.


The objective of Job Digital Lab – not only for this meeting on May 30, but for the entire programme – is to help individuals to develop and reinforce their digital skills to exploit all the opportunities that are provided by this new hybrid world.


On May 30, coaches from the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will clearly and simply present the skills necessary for community management: from how communities aggregate to how to manage content through apps and digital tools.


In addition to the theoretical part, practical cases and local success stories will also be presented as a source of inspiration in developing one’s own professional projects.


The Right Words

How to create a digital community, with Job Digital Lab

Local on-line event | Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza

May 30, 2022, 15 – 17


 To participate in the scheduled training sessions, you need to register on our distance learning platform or access your personal profile. If you need help with registration or on-line access, consult our practical guide.


The event organised in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza is one of the appointments of the second edition of the programme which has organised over 60 sessions and over 90 hours of on-line training, reaching 5000 people in 2021. This year, the local tour includes even more ambitious objectives: uniting local and social networks to reach an even wider audience, especially amongst the most fragile categories that wish to get back in action, such as women who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, NEETs, over-50s and anyone who wishes to reinforce their digital skills for professional requalification.






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