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It’s Still RomeCup!

It’s Still RomeCup!

It’s Still RomeCup!

“It’s a day that we will remember!” Carmine Nasti, a professor at IIS Galileo Ferraris in Naples, is enthusiastic about the conference with Prof. Bruno Siciliano, held last Friday with his fifth-year students at the school in Scampia.


"For two hours, the professor masterfully held the attention of the large audience at the auditorium. His love for Naples, for studying and his passion for robotics transmitted trust and hope to our students. The story of his life, work and challenges, setting out from an apparently disadvantaged area, delivered a message of hope and a call to understand and learn without giving up. A famous citizen of Naples envied by the entire world. A heartfelt thank you.”


This is Prof. Carmine’s WhatsApp message to Francesca Del Duca, who together with the entire robotics community, listened to the professor’s speech at RomeCup 2019. Bruno Siciliano is a Professor of Control and Robotics and Director of the Interdepartmental Centre for Advanced Robotics in Surgery (ICAROS) at the “Federico II” University of Naples.


"I invited him to our school in November,” explains Carmine. "And he kept his promise. Yesterday, was a day that will become history. He even stayed longer than planned. He is extraordinary …”


And we received even more good news from Carmine Nasti. The RomeCup is a good luck charm!


"I’m sure you will be pleased to learn that my student, Antonio Gargiulo (Class 5K) studying automation, who participated in the NonniBot Contest at the “Federico II” University and placed second with his team [see news: How Robots Act], won first place at the National “Creating with Electronics” Competition with Project "Smart Solar Panel." The RomeCup continues giving …”


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