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Italian in the Media

Italian in the Media

Italian in the Media

What can media do for our language?
Can it drive its growth?
Keep it alive?
Safeguard it?


With a presentation on “Media and Language: An Overview of the History of Italian Linguistics,Silvana Ferreri De Mauro, Professor of Linguistics at the University of the Tuscia in Viterbo, opened the Toronto Conference (Oct. 19), one of over 1300 events programmed for the Week of Italian Around the World addressing “Italian and the Web. Italian Networks” (Oct. 15-21, 2018).


Prof. Ferreri is pursuing the research begun by the great Italian Linguist Tullio De Mauro on media: "old and new [media] present an innovative point of view, examine what has happened to the Italian language and what has happened to its users, the Italians.”




The La voce di NewYork magazine includes a few excerpts of Ferreri’s presentation in the article entitled L’italiano nei media e l’impatto all’estero: la conferenza di Toronto by Enza Antenos. The article also includes efficient quotes by Professor Tullio De Mauro, who for over ten years was at the helm of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


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