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“It Was a Renaissance”

“It Was a Renaissance”

“It Was a Renaissance”

The School of Internet for Everyone, the greatest on-line educational drive for individuals who wish to learn more about digital tools to improve everyday lives, continues to network. Thanks to the precious support of local coordinators, we are strengthening local communities.


“As the Coordinator of Project School of Internet for Everyone in Veneto, I am particularly proud that one of the first organisations to join was an association from my city, Rovigo". Federica Boniolo, New Media Psychologist and Local coordinator explains that the “Smile Africa Association immediately joined the first course with great enthusiasm and then also participated in the second.


“We are happy about having started this new, fruitful collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and having gained access to these interesting courses for our community. This is a precious opportunity to extend our local network of associations at a such as difficult moment for social projects. This has given our community the opportunity to regather and move on,” explains the President of Smile Africa, Gianni Andreoli. "In particular, Smile Africa coordinates Project “Vivere attiva.mente la terza età” (Actively Enjoying Your Senior Years), which is funded by the Fondazione Cariparo. The digital training courses provided a valid alternative to our beneficiaries at a moment when proximate activities were suspended due to the health emergency. So, we provided over-65s with the opportunity to learn about digital administrative procedures that have become indispensable, as well as an opportunity to keep busy and strengthen relations to avoid marginalisation.”


“I would like to particularly thank all the tutors who introduced us to the basics of digital systems. It truly was a Renaissance, considering that most of us from the paper generation only had a rudimentary understanding of how to use the Internet.” Ida Zangirolami, a retired teacher who works as a volunteer with Smile Africa, explains what she learned. “After the course, I am more aware of what I’m doing. I hope the lessons will start again, so that I can learn even more.”


Public and private organisations that wish to enrol their employees in courses should write to or contact their regional coordinators.


The project is promoted by TIM in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of programme Operation Digital Risorgimento.



Complete the on-line form. Select a day and time and access your free course.


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