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An Internship to Frame


An Internship to Frame

An Internship to Frame


The four students from Itis Pacinotti in Fondi (Latina) worked enthusiastically up to the very last day. They experimented the original formula of “work school alternance” promoted by The Italian Makers Project at the Falegnameria Pastore.
Isabella Tedesco, Timoteo Lamkin, Giorgia Di Fazio and Umberto Marcantonio learned to build wooden mosaics. See the photo gallery sent by Master Craftsman Mastro Pastore to the Project Coordinator Ana Lain (Innovation in School).

Moreover, the experience is not over … after the summer break, the students and their teacher will meet at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab to present their project for the Rome Maker Faire (October 3-5, 2014).
In the photo gallery: the internship experiences of Lazio region schools involved in The Italian Makers Project with Inail and Cna.

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