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Interland on Roblox

Be Internet Awesome World

Interland on Roblox

Interland on Roblox

A new version of the “Be Internet Awesome World” game.

Over the course of the years, through the Fully Enjoy the Internet Programme, Google and various partners, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in Italy, have involved over 100 million children in educational activities worldwide. Now, Google has started a new collaboration with Roblox, one of the most popular on-line gaming platforms, with over 79.5 million active daily users. The objective is to teach adolescents the basics of security in a more interactive and fun manner, where they spend most of their time. 

The new version of Interland allows users to explore the magical world of the Internet and learn to navigate real world scenarios and risks by applying security advice and critical thinking. Users participate in various gaming sessions based on specific security issues, ranging from the identification of phishing attempts to on-line kindness. During the game, participants receive immediate feedback that helps them to learn through trial and error.

The game-based learning approach reinforces the lessons provided by Programme Fully Enjoy the Internet and re-elaborates the study programme based on a new stimulating format for youth.

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