The UX in Action School-Work Programme continues to involve students at the Rome Liceo Artistico De Chirico in Project Immersive Weese, coordinated by Valentina Gelsomini. The 60-hour course entails activities both at the company at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Phyrtual Innovation Gym: labs, workshops and in-company days with a module based on user experience and immersive tools. Expert coaches will help the students experiment with innovative solutions to improve multi-channel user experiences from a range of points of view.
The students, who will be divided into three groups, are developing short promotional videos on the idea they have developed for Weese.
Today, we present the video of "Vetro elettrocromico" (Electrochromic Window) developed by the first group of students in Class 3C: an intelligent window that can change colour on demand and even turn completely dark and be transformed into a large screen for projections.
“We thought about transforming plain glass into electrochromic glass,” explains Valentina, a student in Class 3C. "Thanks, to a minimum amount of energy, it can darken and turn black. This function can be activated not only through a mobile command, but also based on the weather. It improves privacy but can also be turned into a fantastic large screen for projects.”