Today (11 am – 1 pm), Professors Giovanni Ulivi and Federica Pascucci from the Department of Engineering at the Roma Tre University will present TIRBOT, a new creative contest for Romecup 2019, to third and fourth year students at the Istituto tecnico G. Armellini in Rome, who will form two teams coordinated by Electronics Professor Paolo Terrevoli.
The TIRBOT idea is based on experiments conducted with trucks that drive as platoons. The first truck is manned by a human pilot, while all the other trucks are self-driving vehicles “connected” to the first. This type of vehicle platoon reduces costs, wear and pollution. How do we assess the risks of self-driving or semi-autonomous vehicles?
The mixed student teams will work on different prototypes. Electronics students will work with mechanics students, testing will be verified at the “Roma Tre” University Robotics Lab and the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The RomeCup now has five contests for high school and university students as part of school-work programmes:
Moreover, there will also be the Brain Control Interface which will feature a possible collaboration with the Zurich Cybathlon.
TirBOT - Calendar
- Presentation at Armellini - February 5 (introduction)
- Roma Tre (development)
- Roma Tre (development)
- Armellini (development and testing)
- Armellini (testing)