2 min.
The solution is peer innovation. In a long conversation with the Headmaster of the ISIS F. De Sarlo di Lagonegro, Pasquale Giuseppe Calabrese, Cecilia Stajano tries to understand who to successfully manage a difficult school that has 800 students and a vast local basin. The challenges are multiple: from the brain drain to the insertion of students with special needs.
Implementing a project requires many phases, including monitoring and evaluation. Moreover, frequent formal and informal discussions are necessary with the key figures in the project. Cecilia Stajano is the Empowerment and Development of Local Communities Manager for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The ISIS F. De Sarlo is one of the six schools in the Province of Potenza that is participating in the Nonni SUD Internet digital literacy plan, developed in collaboration with Auser and Anteas.
• Istituto Statale d'Arte
• I.P.S.A.S.R. "G Fortunato", Lagopesole (Avigliano)
• I.P.S.A.S.R. "G Fortunato", Malvaccaro
• I.S.I.S. "G. De Lorenzo", Avigliano
• I.S.I.S. "Ruggiero di Lauria", Lauria
• I.S.I.S. "F. De Sarlo", Lagonegro
On September 27th, the first training workshop was held for headmasters, professors and Auser and Anteas representatives.
The Nonni SUD Internet Project is financed by the Fondazione con il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Projects action line.
The Project in brief [pdf]