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The Impact of the Great Acceleration on Education

Mirta Michilli e Alfonso Molina
archivio FMD

The Impact of the Great Acceleration on Education

The Impact of the Great Acceleration on Education

Agenda Digitale: an educational journey through the land of technology

"We firmly believe that life education in the 21st century must create greater awareness (both personal and collective) on the impact that the ‘great acceleration’ driven by the evolution of Internet and the social media has had on our lives. These challenges must become central in school curricula and the cultural baggage of the new generations. And even school communities must actively participate in the debate.”

Agenda Digitale presents five contributions by Alfonso Molina and Mirta Michilli, addressing the exponential development of science and technology (artificial intelligence, robotics, neuroscience, genomics, etc.) from an original perspective: the impact of the “great acceleration” on our lives and the role of schools and education. 

  1. Technology is taking over our lives. We need a new form of education.

We are so used to technology rapidly evolving through each generation that we have underestimated is ethical and educational aspects. Therefore, life education in the 21st century must lead to both a personal and collective awareness of the impact of this “great acceleration” on our lives. (Agenda Digitale, April 4, 2023)

  1. Neuroscience: Challenges for the World of Education

According to some scholars, we need a new category of human rights: neuro-rights. These are the principles that define and protect our cerebral and mental sphere. What changes for subjects related to education and personal development? (Agenda Digitale, May 25, 2023)

  1. Genomic Editing: Challenges and Risks in Orienting Ethical Evolution

The modification of human genetics poses seriously risky developments and ethical challenges with unforeseen consequences for the future evolution of humanity. Are we about to abandon natural selection or only defeat serious genetic disorders? We still have no answers to our doubts. (Agenda Digitale, July 10, 2023)

  1. Genomics: A Non-Anthropocentric Viewpoint with Major Issues to Resolve

Is it right to bring extinct life forms back to life or eliminate unwanted species? A non-anthropocentric vision of genomics requires us to reflect on our actions and take into consideration all life forms on Earth. (Agenda Digitale, September 27, 2023)

  1. The Challenges of Editing the Human Genome: Is Everything Admissible to Save Human Lives?

The challenge of editing the human genome involves all of humanity, overcoming any national and cultural barrier. Is any modification of DNA admissible to improve our resistance to disease? Two different stories reveal the difficulty of establishing shared rules, while the technological development of genomics is accelerating. (Agenda Digitale, October 13, 2023)


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