Elisa, a student at IIS G. Garibaldi in Rome, tried to dialogue with a robot’s artificial intelligencee system, an initial machine learning experiment. The simulation took place at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym as part of the Ambizione Italia for Schools Programme, promoted by Microsoft Italy.
In this interview with Fiammetta Castagnini, Elisa tells us about her curious educational experience.
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: Game Lab
Where: Rome Phyrtual Innovation Gym
Target: ITIS Vallauri, Rome
Coach: Marco Brocchieri
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: AI Classroom
Where: Microsoft House, Milan
School: IIS Ludovico Geymonat
Target: Students, Year 3
Coach: Pietro Campanella
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: HUB
Where: IIS Fermi, Sulmona (L'Aquila)
Target: Students
Coach: Angelo Gino Varratti (MSP)
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Project: Ambizione Italia for Schools
Activity: AI Lab
Environment: HUB
Where: IIS Leonardo Da Vinci di Poggiomarino, Naples
Target: Students
Coach: Maria Rosaria del Sorbo