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A Hybrid Alliance for Work

Francesca Del Duca all'evento di Roma Capitale

A Hybrid Alliance for Work

A Hybrid Alliance for Work

Francesca Del Duca’s contribution at the event in Rome

How can we face the mismatch between the rapid transformation of work and the difficulty of updating workers’ digital skills? In her short presentation, Project Manager Francesca Del Duca explained the challenge addressed by Programme Ambizione Italia, developed with Microsoft, at "Towards the Integration of Local Employment Services," an event organised for the 20th anniversary of the creation of Rome’s COL Network. This challenge cannot be won alone – pointed out School, Training and Labour Councillor Claudia Pratelli – but thanks to a network of partners and an alliance between public and private organisations.

Francesca Del Duca briefly reviewed collaboration with the COL Network, that started during one of the most complex periods in recent history, the health emergency and the lockdown. The pilot training experience for employment centres operators allowed them to effectively help users, even the most fragile.


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