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How is e-Commerce Changing?

Come cambia l’eCommerce?
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How is e-Commerce Changing?

How is e-Commerce Changing?

Second appointment with “Terziario Donna Milano” entrepreneurs.

E-commerce has flourished for over 20 years in Italy. It is in constant growth and the upcoming developments will reflect the evolution of technology and continuously changing needs of consumers. From omni-channel commerce to immersive experiences, from AI to digital payments, custom-tailored, sustainable technology is shaping the future of e-commerce with growing attention to efficiency, user experience, and environmental impact. Consumers expect custom-tailored offers based on their purchase history and preferences. Thanks to data analysis and AI, companies can now provide hyper-personalised shopping experiences with a greater conversion rate.

In which direction would you like to develop your e-commerce? On Thursday, October 17 (14:00 – 16:30), Sara Barni, Head of Ecommerce, will introduce entrepreneurs and professionals from Terziario Donna Milano to the “Scenarios of E-commerce in 2024” to learn how to “survive to change.”

The appointment is part of the “TDLEARN & GIVEBACK: What Type of AI?” course, a digital training programme developed with Ottavia Pittaluga, Sara Barni, Marilisa Del Vecchio, and Alessandra Maggio. The experts will help the entrepreneurs to understand artificial intelligence from different points of view. Through ha pragmatic and inclusive approach. 

And it’s not just about learning … There also is Give Back! Thanks to the collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, participants in these free appointments will review the CVs of women who have accepted professional challenges thanks to FMD’s reskilling activities. Another way for women to support other women.

Terziario Donna Milano brings together entrepreneurs and professionals enrolled in one of the associations constituting Confcommercio Milano, Lodi, Monza e Brianza. The Group was created to promote, represent, and strengthen the presence of women in Confcommercio and business in Milan, Lodi, Monza, and Brianza. Thanks to its representatives, Terziario Donna Milano is part of the regional coordination committee for “Terziario Donna Lombardia” and “Terziario Donna Confcommercio” at the national level.

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