"Miniature 3D electrodes to stimulate the production of insulin in the pancreas. These are the new frontiers of research that aim to make certain types of diabetes, such as that caused by food intake, easier to treat. And this is the objective of Project Empatic (Emodulation of Pancreatic Islet Cells)".
Project Empatic won the RomeCup 2019 "Superconnected Robot" Challenge, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Invitalia, and the Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Daily Corriere del Mezzogiorno interviewed Silvia Bossi, an ENEA mechanical engineer specialised in neuro-technology [see news: Hackathon, Empatic Wins].
"And starting from this achievement, we are developing other proposals for funding to pursue our health research activities,” explains Silvia, who continues to study new applications in the field of Electroceuticals.
The all-female Empatic Team includes bio-robotic, biomedical and neuromorphic engineers from ENEA, the University of New York, the University of Zurich and the Italian CNR.
Pancreas, 3D Electrodes to Stimulate Insulin
by Emanuele Gennari
Corriere del Mezzogiorno, July 29, 2019