“The challenge is to create favourable contexts starting at school. Young girls and women need to be able to freely choose their future. We must involve the new generations fully, independently from their gender, because we can only accelerate the process to achieve gender equality together, also working with educational communities. And we also have to create the conditions for women to grow up professionally with common values and bring their experience into pivotal roles for everyone’s good.”
Today, MoltoDonna published a comment by Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, who addresses the contribution of Coding Girls to reducing the gender divide, especially in the scientific and technological sectors.
MoltoDonna is a free magazine dedicated to female empowerment that is distributed with dailies from the Gruppo Caltagirone Editore (Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, Il Gazzettino, Corriere Adriatico and Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia). It is a weekly with 24 pages of information and an innovative slant and graphics.
The Challenge of the Coding Girls for the Digital Future of the Country (in Italian)
by Mirta Michilli
Molto Donna, Il Messaggero, Nov. 25, 2021