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GoAct Conference


GoAct Conference

GoAct Conference



The objectives of Project Generations in Action (GoAct) are:
   To increase the awareness of politicians and others working in educational planning, academia, large organizations and citizens in general on the importance of lifelong learning for active ageing processes;
   To change the commonly held image of elders and ageing in Europe through awareness-raising and educational tools;
    To develop ideas for innovative approaches to intergenerational learning.
The conference will be held in Brussels (Rue Belliard) on June 17-18 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Day one will host four workshops on intergenerational learning and active citizenship, while day two will close the conference with a plenary session with all participating experts and actors.
Participating partners are: EAEA, the European Association for the Education of Adults, and The Age Platform Europe.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will present the European The Knowledge Volunteers Project, financed by the European Commission for the social and digital inclusion of over-sixties in 7 countries.





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