This time, Visionary has launched a new campaign dedicated to absent youth: #Giovaniassenti.
On October 3-4, 2021, 1162 municipalities will hold elections; over 12 million Italians will vote. And this includes five of Italy’s largest cities: Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin and Bologna.
“The Sole24Ore ranking on quality of life in Italian cities reveals that large cities, such as Turin, Naples, Rome and Milan, have amongst the worst services for youth,” explain the campaign promoters. Youth are “condemned to high rent, difficulty in finding houses, a high dropout rate, little social interactions, anxiety and depression.”
Visionary asks the mayoral candidates to commit to four proposals for youth addressing - sociality, housing, psychological support and work – using the funds destined to Mission: “social rights, social policy and family.”
Read the proposals and sign to support them
- Proposal 1 – Rent Fund
- Proposal 2 – Orientation Service
- Proposal 3 – Digital Psychological Support
- Proposal 4 – Places to Study and Work
See the website:
#giovaniassenti @visionary.mvmt