Is there a relation between school bullying and gender differences? What is the impact of relational bullying on adolescents? How can we contrast gender violence amongst the new generations?
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is a partner of the new European Project GEM -Gender Equality Matters: Tackling Gender-based Violence". The main objective of the many project activities (research, education, awareness raising, communications campaign, etc.) will be to increase communities’ awareness of gender violence, promoting the adoption of correct behaviour that respect differences amongst human beings.
On September 20-21, the Anti-bullying Centre at the University of Dublinwill host the kick-off meeting for all participating partners:
- Dublin City University, Ireland (lead partner)
- Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias Kai Paidiou, Greece
- Universidad De Murcia, Spain
- Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Italy
- European School Heads Association, Netherlands
The National Anti-bullying Centre (ABC) is hosted by the Department of Education at the University of Dublin. ABC is a national research centre investigating school and work bullying. Since its creation, over 21 years ago, as part of the Trinity College, ABC has led research on academic and professional bullying in Ireland. It currently is recognised internationally as an excellence centre and is a unique global provider of resources and training for those who wish to contrast bullying, thanks to a learning resources centre, a helpline and a counselling service, with particular attention on research activities.
ABC is also the lead partner for ProjectDisAbuse: Disablist Bullying - Experience into Change, providing the right support services, implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Innovation Programme and the exchange of good practices.
Project Manager Annaleda Mazzucato, will coordinated the project in Italy for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Schools, teachers, parents and educaators who are interested in participating in project activities should contact the Project Manager: