On September 5-6, the Social Action and Innovation Center (KMOP), a project partner, will host the third transnational meeting of Project Gender Equality Matters (GEM): Tackling Gender-based Violence in Athens. On Day One, Project Manager Annaleda Mazzucato [@AnnaledaM] will present the course and materials on identity and gender discrimination developed for Italian secondary schools.
Day Two will be dedicated to reviewing the actions and research tools to evaluate the awareness raising and capacity building course as a prevention strategy to contrast bullying and gender violence in schools. The course has been developed by the project partners and is being tested in Italy, Spain, Greece and Ireland.
On Friday, September 7, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will kick off the school course. Coach Annalisa Cassarino [@LisaCassarino] will meet with a group of primary and secondary school teachers (see programme).
The course will include a module on "Prejudice related to sexual identity and homo-transphobic bullying," organised and held by Professor Anna Lisa Amodeo from the Naples “Federico II” University (also on the management committee of COST Action TRIBES for FMD) and coaches at the Centro SInAPSi.
Participating Schools
- Primo Levi, Rome
- Emanuela Loi, Nettuno (Rome)
- Blaise Pascal, Pomezia (Rome)
- Lucio Lombardo Radice, Rome
- G. Marconi, Catania
- Enzo Rossi, Rome
- Falcone, Gallarate (Varese)
- Ceccano, Frosinone
- Bottardi, Rome
- Piaget, Rome
- Platone, Rome
- Marconi, Civitavecchia
- Via Rome, Rome
- Ricasoli, Siena