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Gaming for Education

Lara Forgione

Gaming for Education

Gaming for Education

A new position paper and guidelines

The position paper with guidelines for policymakers and educators developed by the work group for Repubblica Digitale is no on-line. Coach Lara Forgione, an expert in multimedia and developer of virtual and augmented reality didactic experiences, participated on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale .

The objective of the Challenges and Opportunities in Gaming for the Diffusion of Digital Competences document is to provide recommendations on how to develop a videogame culture and promote awareness on the challenges and opportunities they provide.

The document was drafted by a dedicated work group, organised as part of the Repubblica Digitale Programme and coordinated by the Department for Digital Transformation together with Telefono Azzurro.

"The reflections that emerged at the 2022 edition of the “Safer Internet Day” provided inspiration for the issue and how to promote a greater understanding and awareness of the opportunities and challenges related to a phenomenon that transcends simple entertainment, and whose diffusion is increasingly growing amongst Italians."

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