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Fun Mathematics


Fun Mathematics

Fun Mathematics



"Fun Mathematics and Computers" is addressed to primary and first degree secondary school students. It aims to develop a new kind of fun, yet scientific method of teaching these subjects. Teaching mathematics through programming changes the approach: students become protagonists of the learning process through the use of new technologies.
Michele Baldi, an expert in IT technology applied to mathematical didactics, has overseen the publication of a manual for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The book will be presented tomorrow in Salerno at the Salone del Gonfalone (5 pm). Conference speakers will include the deputy Mayor of Salerno, Eva D'avossa, and Giangiacomo Cerla, Senior Professor of the Mathematics Department at the University of Salerno.
Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, was responsible for the editorial scientific supervision and has written the premise published with the manual.



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