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Flipped Classrooms for All

Flipped Classrooms for All

Flipped Classrooms for All

Project Flip-Ideal - Flipped Learning in Adult Education (Erasmus+ KA2) kicks off today at the two-day project meeting in Lohja, Finland. Ilaria Graziano [@Ilaria_FMD], Project Manager, will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


The objective of the two-year project is to explore the use of flipped classrooms in adult education, with particular attention to the most vulnerable targets, those who possess few competences. The project will develop and test practical tools, tutorials and guidelines to provide support to teachers and trainers in the daily application of flipped classroom contexts with the objective of improving the quality of didactic courses and methodologies and promoting the use of new technology to drive learning processes.


Flip-Ideal involves 6 organisations from 6 European member states:


Five of the partners have already collaborated on Project IDEAL - Integrating Digital Education in Adult Literacy; in fact, Flip-Ideal represents the natural evolution and continuation of the former.

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