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Finding a Job on LinkedIn

LinkedIn, le competenze per ripartire
Foto di Michael Burrows

Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Finding a Job on LinkedIn

Webinar with experts from the social platform with over a billion members.

According to data from Ranktracker, over two thirds of professionals who turn to LinkedIn to hire people believe that members have a better level.  In the last year, the number of people who have found work on the platform have increased by 88%. Are their efficient strategies to make one’s profile more attractive and be spotted by human resources managers.

The next appointment with LinkedIn experts on May 14 (17-18) with a webinar on Zoom. Participants will receive a free voucher for LinkedIn Premium.

Francesca Pesto, Account Director LinkedIn, and Andrea Santolini, Senior Account Director LinkedIn, will hold the webinar and explain how to best use the platform for the labour market.

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