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Final Exams


Final Exams

Final Exams
The first test is the Italian Test. Tomorrow, the second test will be based on the type of school attended by students. While on Monday, June 23, students will take the third written examination.
The Ministry for Education, University and Research has opened a special communication channel with students on Twitter to collect their thoughts, ideas and emotions with hashtag #quasimaturi.
All students take the first test, the Italian test. There are four types of exams: reading comprehension, writing an article or brief essay, an essay on a history topic and a general essay. Candidates have six hours to complete the exam.
"Best of Luck" to all our finalists from the Staff of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the slogan of the newly launched campaign “The Future? It’s up to me!
For further information - Voice Over Blog  (in Italian): Esami di maturità per quasi cinquecentomila studenti

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