A new collaboration begins with Lazio Innova on Monday, March 4: various “Spazi Attivi” Labs will be held on a range of transversal issues including fashion tech, design and media art.
The first workshop will address fashion and will be held at the Spazio Attivo Casilina from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Students from the Liceo Artistico Enzo Ferrari and Professors Patrizia Corona and Paola Piozzi will meet with Argentinean Stylist Jesica Pullo, the winner of the Fashion Digital Night with Project Biotico, a wedding gown produced from milk containers with digital manufacturing tools. Cecilia Stajano and Fiammetta Castagnini will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The students will also have the opportunity to visit the design workshops at Via Casilina 3/T.