Presentation yesterday in Rome at the Accademia dei Lincei
According to Censis data, more than 70% of adolescents looks with uncertainty and fear towards the future. Imbuing them with greater understanding and trust in the progress of health science and the value of research can allow them to project themselves more constructively into adulthood. And this is the core idea of the third edition of Project Factor J, the project that to date has reached out to over 200,000 high school students, drafting the first “Health Manifesto” with young men and women in 16 Italian regions and with the patronage of the Italian Institute for Higher Health. The project, developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical branch of the Johnson & Johnson Group, was presented yesterday at the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, aims to bring students into touch with scientific research and drive the future of health. Factor J includes both in presence and remote training sessions, creative contests, meetings with patient associations and practical labs.
The third edition of Fattore J – More Trust, More Health, More Future was presented yesterday at the Accademia dei Lincei to institutional representatives and students participating in the project. The event was opened by Undersecretary for Health Marcello Gemmato.
The initiative promoted with Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical branch of the Johnson & Johnson Group, is designed to share a new trust in the future of research, science and health with the new generations. There will be debates and awareness-raising sessions with patient associations and scientific focuses, as well as more informal appointments like labs and creative contests, to imagine a healthier a future for youth.
After the over 200,000 students reached in the past two editions, this year, Factor J will once again be in direct contact with students. Over 3000 young men and women from various Italian regions will be participating in mainly in-presence discussions with patient associations active in a range of therapeutic areas (onco-haematology, immunology, neuroscience).
Participants will also be involved in practical sessions on podcasting, video making, graphics, and storytelling techniques and then participate in a final contest on the “health of the future.” The works will be selected and evaluated by an exceptional jury composed by professionals from the science and communications sectors. The winners in each category will receive an award at the final event in May 2023; their works will be promoted on various platforms.
With the slogan “More Trust, More Health, More Future,” the project aims to transform into hope, trust and commitment, the restlessness that 71% of adolescents, according to a Censis Report, feels as the sentiment that projects them into adulthood. There are no clear outlooks onto life projects for young men and women (according to 76.8% of school headmasters) and students continue to drop out or “blanche” according to the definition coined by sociologist David Le Breton.
Leveraging on students’ longing for school – nearly 90% of students participated joyously in activities in presence at school after the lockdown – Project Factor J aims to colour students with the progress of health science and successful therapeutic cases so that scientific research may become an “enabler of trust in the future.”
- Luciano Ciocchetti, Vice President, Social Affairs Commission, Chamber of Deputies
- Marcello Gemmato, Undersecretary of State for Health
- Beatrice Lorenzin, Deputy, Italian Parliament
- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
- Mario Sturion, Managing Director, Janssen Italia
- Alberto Tesei, President, Fondazione “I Lincei per la Scuola”
- Ketty Vaccaro, Welfare and Health Director, Censis