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Factor J on Radio Bruno

Factor J on Radio Bruno

Factor J on Radio Bruno

Radio Bruno is one of the most popular radio networks in Emilia Romagna. The April 11-12 news reports broadcast an interview with Researcher Alessio Muscillo by Journalist Pierluigi Senatore for the presentation of the second report by Fattore J [see news: Youth and Science].


How and how much do the personal experiences and life context of adolescents influence their trust in science and medicine? This issue was addressed by a team of researchers from the University of Siena, which is conducting a survey for Project Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical branch of the Johnson & Johnson Group, to increase the trust of youth in the progress of science, raise their awareness on the importance of correct scientific information  and the choice of responsible behaviour for everyone’s health and wellbeing.


The research, which is based on four monthly questionnaires focusing on specific issues, has already explored lifestyle changes in adolescents during the health emergency. On April 11, the Liceo Enrico Fermi in Bologna hosted the presentation of the analysis of the results of the 2nd questionnaire on Trust in Science, in Authorities and the Influence of the Social and Personal Sphere (1433 respondents, students aged 13-19, from all around Italy).


The two editions of the news programme reach Bologna, Ferrara and part of the Modena area.


April 12, 2022 Edition



April 11, 2022 Edition


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