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Carla Andolina

Exciting Stories

Exciting Stories

SWAT: The story of Carla, who specialised in social media marketing

Con la comunicazione digitale come è cambiato il marketing? Come si è trasformato il rapporto tra azienda e cliente? Cos'è il customer journey e come mapparlo?

Il percorso di Carla Andolina nel social media marketing, dal blogging alla creazione di contenuti multimediali, è iniziato con la passione per il racconto e How did marketing change with digital communications? How was the relation between companies and clients transformed? What is a customer journey and how does one map it?

Carla Andolina’s career in social media marketing, from blogging to the creation of multimedia content, began with her passion for storytelling. “Since I can remember, I love to tell and listen to stories. Theatre was my first passion, my role game as a baby sitter!” Carla indicates on her LinkedIn profile. “Looking back, it all made sense! In the end, my job is to create exciting stories!”

Today, Carla is Chief Marketing Officer at Chrones, a start-up specialising in game design and interactive storytelling. After participating in the Professional Social Media Marketer Course organised by Project SWAT, Carla shares a brief video about what she has learned with us.

I specialised in social media marketing with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and today I’d like to speak to you about the skills I acquired: studying targets and customer satisfaction. Another fundamental skill was related to the customer Journey…


According to Adecco, Social Media Managers and Social Media Marketers are amongst the most sought after jobs of the future.

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