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Excellent Host and Director


Excellent Host and Director

Excellent Host and Director


The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has often pointed out Zakaria’s exceptional story, the exceptional resolve and determination with which he faced his condition as a refugee. He was even mentioned in the chapter dedicated to “New Technologies for the Integration of Immigrants and Refugees” in the last edition of the Roman Migration Observatory (Idos, Roma 2011)
Now, Zak is telling his own story from his own point of view with a video camera. He is the director of one of the five shorts in the documentary film entitled “Welcome to Italy.” Aluk, Hamed, Dag, Hevi and Zakaria attended a course on video filming at the Archivio delle memorie migranti (The Archive of Migrant Memory) thanks to support provided by Open Society Foundations and lettera27. They used a videocamera to look at reception from another perspective and provide migrant memory with its own voice.
Zakaria Mohamed Ali was forced to leave Mogadiscio after the murder of his journalism professor and other colleagues. In the documentary, he sheds light on Dadir’s dreams, a soccer star who had to leave his country and travel without a ticket from Milan to Rome to play with the “Roman Somali National Team.”
The film will be presented in five Italian cities – Milan, Naples, Rome, Venice and Verona – for the Day of Memory. 





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