The concept of European citizenship and the implementation of free circulation within the Union make the EU a unique experience of cosmopolitanism and the closest thing there is to a “lab” on open frontiers. The right to circulate and reside in any member state is a pillar of the EU. Nonetheless, a true mess of national regulations tend to hinder intra-EU mobility and dampen the advantages that a fluid mobility would have on the economy and society of EU member states. Moreover, there is a widespread erroneous perception on mobile citizens that, in many member states, the media and politicians refer to as “migrants” and their movement as “immigration.”
These issues will be discussed today – Thursday, November 18 (9:30 Italian time, 10:30 Romanian time) – at the on-line final conference of Project EUReKA: A Key Access to EU Rights, organised by the European Institute of Romania in collaboration with IDOS.
To participate in the event, use the registration form on the portal.
Project EUReKA - A Key Access to EU Rights is funded by the EU (GA826666) to promote the free circulations of European citizens throughout the Union by exchanging skills/competences and providing a greater access and use of digital information.
If you are interested, see the EUReKA Portal and download the Key4Mobility APP.
You will find a simplified digital guide on the rights and duties of mobile EU citizens, as well as a georeferenced map on the services that can be consulted in 6 EU member states (Italy, Croatia, France, Germany, Portugal and Romania), available in 4 languages. For Italy, for example, the app works in Romanian, Polish and English, besides Italian.
Furthermore, the partnership also produced a handbook on best IT practices (EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital 2.0) to help develop more appropriate approaches for national and local civil servants and for all the parties interested in the governance of intra-EU mobility and the supply of services, by providing valuable data, evaluating obstacles encountered by citizens, mapping and evaluating available tools and following up on research results with a series of practical recommendations.
We hope to meet you at the final conference and trust that the precious work conducted by the EUReKA partnership will be used by mobile citizens in other EU member states and those who plan to relocate soon.
Visit the EUReKA portal and download the Key4Mobility App, send us your feedback and promote the digital tools developed by EUReKA.
- A Key Access to EU Rights Final Conference (in English)
- EUReKA Portal (multilingual)
- Key4Mobility APP (multilingual)
- Handbook on Best Digital Practices: EU Mobile Citizens Go Digital 2.0