The third testing phase is currently underway for the MaTHiSiS System that develops custom-tailored learning activities based on the analysis of students’ emotional states.
The integrated multi-agent system, which can managed ad hoc didactic programmes, was developed by Project MaTHiSiS - Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS, funded by the European Commission as part of the Horizon2020 ICT 2015 – Information and Communication Technologies Programme. Eighteen project partners from nine countries have been collaborating on the project for nearly three years.
In Italy, the school testing is managed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Teachers, who have already been trained on how to use the platform, are beginning to use the software and learning graphics optimised during the summer autonomously with their students. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale staff follows all testing phases and provides technical and pedagogical support to guarantee the best user experience.
A special thanks goes to the school administrators and teachers at the Rita Levi Montalcini and F.lli Cervi Schools for their hospitality and the availability to test the AI system in their classrooms with the objective to provide a better learning experience, especially for students with special needs.