This year, Epson, which was the technical partner of the last edition of the Media Art Festival, has become an event partner. Thanks to its collaboration with "Projecting the Future," besides promoting increasingly interactive artistic works, Epson has also provided technology – from interactive video projects to augmented reality glasses - for a work station at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.
Today, culture is one of the main elements behind quality and competitivity. It drives our economy and enterprises that invest in creativity are more vital and dynamic, as a report by Symbola reveals. The message that all students must receive is that even non-productive represent a cultural value and can provide creative impetus and competitivity.
“Projecting the Future” marks the beginning of a new collaboration between Epson and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The six-month project (Dec. 2017 – May 2018) aims to promote the communicative value of art and the creative and interpretative potential of new technology.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s Phyrtual Innovation Gym now hosts a new area equipped with Epson technology addressing creativity and art, a work station dedicated to the production of digital art works, where artists, students, makers, developers and designers can discover new ways to interpret technology and reflect on complex concepts such as environmental sustainability.
At the Media Art Festival 2018, two international artist, Ra Di Martino and Mat Toan, will exhibit immersive installations that can be enjoyed by visitors with Moverio visors. In the school section at the MAXXI “Spazio Extra,” Leonardo Petrucci will showcase the results of the artistic production lab produced with students at the Rome Liceo Classico Virgilio. The project is an opportunity to stimulate student creativity, promote a culture of “know how” in schools and drive young men and women to become active creators and users of technology.