What I have noticed with a certain apprehension is the tendency to consider elders as a “abstract,” indistinct and homogeneous category. While the Italian population progressively grows older – there are more than five elders to every child – there still is not enough attention paid to the issue of longevity. And many digital inclusion initiatives only target the “younger elders.” Even the Operative Plan for the National Strategy on Digital Skills actions targeting fragile citizens only include elders aged 65-74. And what will happen to the over-75s?
The Italian Gerontology and Geriatrics Society reminds us that a 75-year-old living today is in the same physical and cognitive shape of a 55-year-old living in 1980. So, we are speaking about fully active people who can even continue working. The 75-89 age group includes over 6 million individuals, or 10% of the Italian population. These citizens can learn, participate and even help others, but they need to be taught. As is the case with Ms. Maria Teresa, 80 years old. During the pandemic, she was instructed via WhatsApp on how to develop her first video selfie to tell how digital tools helped her during the lockdown, when the elderly centre was closed, and she couldn’t meet with her friends. Google became a precious ally to learn more about Covid-19 and not be duped by the fake news that were being spread on social media.
In the new article published on Agenda Digitale, Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, suggest a number of urgent actions that should be taken to avoid abandoning our elders with senior smartphones.
Digital Citizenship
Elders and Technology: Implementing Urgent Actions, Not Larger Buttons
A 75-year-old living today is in the same physical and cognitive shape of a 55-year-old living in 1980. So, we are speaking about fully active individuals who can even continue working. This is why rather than abandoning our elders with senior smartphones, we should provide them with the skills to reap the maximum advantage from digital tools.