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The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate in the Smart Education & Technologies Days to be held at the Naples Città della Scienza (March 28-29, 2012), two days dedicated to research and technological innovation in school.
A spin-off from the successful 3 Days for School annual convention, Smart Education and Technologies Days reserves two days of debate to verifty the progress made in educational technological innovation with teachers, administrators, students and sector associations. The programme includes a showcase area, multimedia labs and conferences on the crucial challenges awaiting education.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will showcase its decade of activities for the world of school in the showcase area, focusing on two main areas: educational robotics and inter-generational learning for the digital literacy of elders.
During day one, the Secondo Circolo Didattico di Eboli, a RomeCup – The International City of Rome Robotics Trophy - veteran, will present its dancing robots that have once again won the national competition in this category. On March 29, Michele Baldi, Didactic Robotics expert, will present the two Educational Robotics Manuals that he developed for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The volumes address school classes starting from primary school.
In addition to Robodidactics, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale stand will present the Nonni SUD Internet Project, a biennial programme for digital literacy amongst over-sixties. The project is underway in six southern Italian regions in collaboration with Auser e Anteas and support from the Fondazione con il Sud.
On March 29, 9:30 am, Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the “Digital Natives: Learning and New Technology” Conference (Sala Archimede).
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