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E-skills for Work

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E-skills for Work

E-skills for Work


The campaign promoted by Microsoft and Telecentre Europe, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Tesi Automazione was conceived to perfect and certify the competences of young people and promote their access to the job market. Teachers and students demonstrated great interest and appreciation for the initiative.
Twenty schools from seven Italian regions participated in the voucher campaign. Moreover, during the last 15 days, the young people who took the exams directly at the Città Educativa Phyrtual Innovation Gym also participated in the campaign.
Out of the 1445 vouchers used by schools, 930 were used for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification, which also counts as university credit and points for public calls, and 515 for the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification that attests IT skills that highly sought by the labour market.
This collaboration is an integral part of the YouthSpark initiative and is the result of a long partnership between Microsoft and Telecentre-Europe to support youth employment and address the lack of technological skills amongst the workforce. The certifications are provided to young people via the Microsoft IT Academy Programme.
School 2.0 Certifications
Six schools requested the highest number of vouchers and showed the best student success rates on the certification exams:
   IIS S. D'Arzo in Montecchio Emilia (Reggio Emilia)
   ITIS G. Ferraris in San Giovanni La Punta (Catania)
   ITI G. Marconi in Catania
   IIS Alberti in Roma
   ITIS G. Ferraris in Scampia (Napoli)
   IIS Righi in Cassino (Frosinone)
Amongst all of these, however, the Istituto d’istruzione secondaria superiore Silvio D'Arzo in Montecchio Emilia used more vouchers than any other school (233) and boasts a 77% success rate (179 certifications received).

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