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E-leader School


E-leader School

E-leader School



How does one become an e-leader? What competences are necessary?  
“In general, an e-leader is a reference point, a manager in a large organization, the director of a public agency, an entrepreneur or similar figure in an SME. It takes time to reach such an important role and it is never guaranteed. However, there also is the possibility that this type of aptitude may be developed at a younger age if one is exposed to the right type of competences and knowledge. In other words, although one can never be certain about training an e-leader, certain fundamental elements of culture, knowledge and competences must necessarily be part of their education. Then, one must rely on work experience and personal characteristics that will round out the perfect e-leader.”  [Agenzia per l'Italia digitale, The Skills of e-leadership]
From Emanuele (11), a coach at the first Scratch Day held at the Phytrual Innovation Gym to Mohamed, the 26 year-old engineer who animates the Fab Lab and Professor Lego at the Robotics Centre … the Phyrtual Innovation Gym allows all individuals to practice their e-leadership potential; from young students training with craftsmen to the very craftsman that seek to drive innovation processes.

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