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The Statistical Immigration Report 2013 indicates that foreigners are often considered strangers and that knowledge and integration are reciprocal. Knowledge is the main element in the second edition of Project SI – School of Italian that is dedicated to 400 foreign citizens living in Abruzzo. The project was presented this morning in Pescara along with the Statistical Report on Immigration.
From Discrimination to Rights is the slogan of the UNAR Report entitled “Immigration – Statistical Dossier 2013” produced by the Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS and that was presented today throughout Italy. In Abruzzo, there are fewer than 75,000 foreign residents accounting for nearly 5.7% of the total population. Since the 2011 Report the number has tripled (from 21,400 to 75,000) and just in 2012 foreign residents increased by 9% (as opposed to a average national rate of 8.2%). Abruzzo is the 5th Italian region in terms of immigrant integration potential.
In order to further incentivize integration and develop a regional model for the instruction of migrants, the second edition of Project SI – School of Italian was presented this morning in Pescara at the local Chamber of Commerce.
“SI School of Italian – Edition 2” is financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals and is promoted by the Regione Abbruzzo in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, the Regional School Department for Abruzzo and the Permanent Territorial Centres in Avezzano, Nereto, Pescara, Pescasseroli, Popoli, Silvi and Sulmona, as well as the “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara.
A vast local network has been developed to promote the social integration of foreign citizens and create a regional model for the education of migrants as set by the Integration Agreement and all legal residency legislation.
2,360 hours of teaching activities, 26 A1 and A2 Italian courses and civic education, as well as special courses on the job market and distance learning with self-learning modules. Moreover, the project will also provide a baby-sitting service to allow mothers to participate in the project, too. Last but not least, participants coming from the remotest zones in Abruzzo will be able to claim reimbursement for their travel expenses.
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