In her book entitled "I robot e noi” (Robots and Us - Il Mulino, 2017), robotic bio-engineer Maria Chiara Carrozza writes: “I believe that, today, the most important school reform concerns disruption. In fact, we need to provide greater liberty in teaching and be more courageous in addressing other subjects, especially research and knowledge organisation.” And Educational Robotics as addressed by RomeCup can play a strategic role and help to orient children and young men and women.
In this short interview with Ilaria Bonanni on the opening day of RomeCup, Maria Chiara Carrozza underlines the importance of this event for schools because of its transversal nature and ability to disrupt traditional subjects.
At RomeCup 2019, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Don Gnocchi, was interviewed by Journalist Federica Meta during the Plenary Preview Talk on “Women and Robotics” (Roma Tre University, April 2, 2019).
A RomeCup 2019 Maria Chiara Carrozza, direttore scientifico della Fondazione Don Gnocchi, è stata intervistata dalla giornalista Federica Meta nel Plenary Preview Talk "Donne e robotica" (Università Roma Tre, 2 aprile 2019).